
Hi, my name is Russell Weetch and I am the founder of Systematic Marketing. We specialise in helping those in the printing industry to simplify the cumbersome process of gaining customer approval for proofs. We have developed a system called Approval Pipeline™ that does this, but in this guide I am going to show you how you can significantly improve the customer approval process on your own.

In days gone by, the preprint customer approval process was nice and simple. You posted a proof to the customer and they would either accept it or indicate any required changes. The process may have been much slower compared to how things happen today, but it was simple and it worked. In today’s digital world, the approval process can be done very quickly but unless the process is carefully controlled, there is the risk of making costly mistakes.

Digital technology has changed everything for printers when it comes to the customer approval process. It’s not so much of a problem for smaller printers, but rather the printers with large and demanding customers who feel the real pain. Each customer has multiple projects, which often means multiple people involved in the proofing process. The scope for making costly mistakes becomes significantly higher and the resulting blame-game is not good for business.

In this guide, I am going to reveal 6 easy steps you can take to simplify the complex and cumbersome process of gaining customer approval for proofs. For each step, I will state the issue and then give you my recommendations. I will also take the liberty of briefly outlining how our product Approval Pipeline™ makes the process even easier, especially when dealing with a large number of customers who have multiple print projects happening concurrently.

I hope you find this guide useful and it helps you to take a step towards taming the customer approval process for your printing business.

Best wishes,

Russell Weetch

Systematic Marketing Ltd

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